Victoria Sponge Cake

Some might be fancier, other might be flashier, but no cake beats the simplicity of a Victoria Sponge! Its a firm favourite in our house, making a regular appearance as it is super easy to whip up and I always have the ingredients at hand.


The jam filling changes depending on the time of year, from plum jam to blackberry jam in summer time. Whatever takes your fancy really!


  • 225g margarine
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • 225g self-raising flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
To serve
  • good-quality strawberry or raspberry jam
  • whipped double cream

Preparation method

    1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease and line 2 x 20cm/8in sandwich tins with parchment paper.
    2. Cream the butter and sugar together until light fluffy. Then add the eggs one at a time into the butter and sugar mixture.
    3. Then add the sieved flour and baking powder . Mix everything together until well combined.
    4. Divide the mixture evenly between the tins, use a spatula to remove all of the mixture from the bowl and gently smooth the surface of the cakes.
    5. Place the tins on the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 25 minutes. The cakes are done when they’re golden-brown and coming away from the edge of the tins. Press them gently to check – they should be springy to the touch. Remove them from the oven and set aside to cool in their tins for five minutes. Then run a palette or rounded butter knife around the inside edge of the tin and carefully turn the cakes out onto a cooling rack. Set aside to cool completely.
    6. To assemble the cake, place one cake upside down onto a plate and spread it with plenty of jam and then spread over whipped cream.
    7. Top with the second cake, top-side up. Sprinkle icing sugar over the top.
Happy baking,

Bácáil with Love (Bake with Love)
